Monday, March 24, 2025

Triangles, Thimbles, and a Car Incident

These 16-patch blocks joined those I have already completed from the half-square triangles a friend gifted to me.  I’m getting close to the bottom of the stack and will have to make a decision as to what to do with them.  I don’t have enough for a usable quilt top, but I do have more of the alternate block fabric.  I could made additional blocks from my own stash; or set them on point; or most probably set them aside for a while.  I have some anti-ouch pouch kits to work on while I consider my options.


The third border on my thimble quilt is almost completely added by applique.


In other news…

I recently had a minor incident in my car when I was forced off the road.  I would have been fine if I had not hit a metal pole someone had set up on the shoulder.  The other driver did not stop.  Thank goodness for insurance.  

The recording of a voicemail left by my insurance adjuster was pleasant and professional.  The above excerpt from that same message was automatically transcribed by the computer.  I think their transcription programming needs improvement. 


Monday, March 17, 2025

A Week Away

We spent last week in far South Texas visiting our Wisconsin relatives who adopt Texas as home during the winter.  I knew there would be some down time in the hotel, so my Featherweight made the trip with us.

I completed five anti-ouch pouches.  Unfortunately, after taking this picture, I noticed that the fabric in the top bag is directional and the Bluebonnets are upside down.  Maybe someone will choose it for the colors.

Both side borders of my thimble quilt have been appliqued to the center.  I hope to begin work on the top and bottom borders this week.

I also worked on my half-square triangle blocks and finished two 16-patch blocks along with another hexagon flower.

No visit to South Texas is complete for me without a stop at the Don Wes Flea Market in Donna.  A small amount of retail therapy may have happened. 

We decided to drive to the SpaceX Starbase development site near Brownsville.  Our progress slowed to three miles per hour when we caught up with a rocket stage being moved down the highway.  It took up the entire highway and, as Bob said, it did not yield to us.  Eventually they came to a wide spot in the road and allowed a very long string of traffic to pass.  We went through the same process on the way back as it was still being moved.  At least we got a close look.  I was told this is the second stage of the rockets that are launched from that site.  If that’s correct, this is the stage that has been exploding in recent launch attempts.  My brother-in-law captured this picture through the windshield.


Monday, March 10, 2025

Signs of Progress

It’s been a fairly quiet week…nothing wrong with that.  

I have almost one long side of my thimble project appliqued to a border.  This is proving to be a very slow process as we’ve been watching television programs that require me to actually watch the screen rather than just listen.  I make much better progress when Bob chooses something I have no interest in.


One more hexagon flower is complete.


Here is a shot of the design wall showing all the ones done.  Only one more is needed and I’ve prepped the fabric.


When I need some mindless stitching at the machine, I’ve been returning to the 800+ triangles (400+ HSTs) that were gifted to me.  I’ve made a couple of 16-patches in order to see how they will look.  Each four-patch is 3 inches square unfinished.



Monday, March 3, 2025

A Finish

A label has been applied and thread ends have been buried, so this clamshell project is officially bound-labeled-done at last.  The top was finished in 2021 and I called it “Sanity” because it helped see me through some of the Covid 19 lockdown.  It began with an on-line class led by Irene Blanck and measures 45 X 50 inches.  It is hand pieced using the English paper piecing method.  A friend came to my rescue with fabric for the border.


I completed two more hexagon flowers for my Kim McLean project, two more to go.


In other news…

Bob’s medical tests last week failed to show anything that needs to be treated.  I’m counting that as good news.


If anyone can identify what kind of hawk this is, I would appreciate it.  He was surveying his world when I spotted him on a walk Saturday.



Monday, February 24, 2025

Not Quite Bound-Labeled-Done

Our cold temperatures plus wind chills were severe enough that I wimped out of going to Guild on Wednesday and, instead, spent the day in sweats sewing.  I was feeling guilty until I found out two of my close friends did exactly the same thing.  I guess it’s okay to play the little old lady card once in a while.

Consequently, my clamshell project is almost in “bound-labeled-done” status.  A label must still be attached and then there are those pesky threads to bury.

I also cut border strips for my red and white tumbler quilt.  That’s my next big hand-work push.

The weather here is definitely improving and it’s good to see some sunshine again.  No sewing with friends on Tuesday because hubby has an all-day medical procedure in Austin.  My local applique group meets Thursday afternoon and I’m looking forward to that.

Oh, and the local armadillo is still roaming the neighborhood.  The Animal Control Officer, who lives across the street from us, told me they are a protected species.  They had dug (and re-dug) such a big hole underneath the pad our AC unit sits on that I had to cover it with heavy mesh and weigh it down with big rocks.  Now they’ve relocated to the front flowerbed.  I've named him Arny.

Monday, February 17, 2025

More Progress on Clamshells and Hexies

Four more hexagon flowers have been made for use in the Kim McLean project.

Here they are surrounding the center on the design wall.  Four more and I can move forward with the border.


Fabric has also been attached for the binding on the clamshell project.  I may give the Kim McLean project a break and focus on completing the handwork on this one first, provided I don't decide on opting for black fabric instead.  Now that it's attached, I'm not sure I like it as much as I thought I would.


And, this tumbler project is getting a good steam pressing so I can remove the papers on the perimeter and prepare to applique it to its outer borders.  Looks like there’s lots of handwork in my future.  I’ve found that this creamer, which never gets used for its intended purpose, is just right for pouring water into my steam iron.


Joining the gifted triangles into four patches is my choice for mindless sewing at the machine these days.  I still do not know where this one will take me but I wanted something easy to pick up and put down until I get my next batch of anti-ouch pouch kits at the guild meeting Wednesday.

 The forecast is for another cold week, but so far, no precipitation is expected.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Clamshell Project is Quilted, At Last

After all the trouble I encountered trying to quilt my clamshell project, I let it rest for two weeks.  Fortunately, I was able to finish quilting it Saturday with a minimum of drama and it is now ready for trimming and binding.  My plan is to pull out my cutting table later this week and possibly pin baste my next project.

These are the hexagons I completed this week.

This is how I envision they will be used in the next border.  I need to make eight more before I can determine their final placement.  

Everyone is happy that we have had a mild cool-down with highs expected in the 50s this week.  Last week included several days in the mid to high 80s.  There are only minimal chances for rain.