I finished another reversible apron this weekend. It is for a friend who provided the fabric
and said she would make a contribution to the quilt guild’s boutique if I would
sew it for her. There are some small
fabric cuts left and I am considering making a couple of hot pads out of them.
I also managed to pin baste a quilt and clear off the
quilting machine so I could work on it.
The result? A mountain of projects-in-process precariously balanced on a small table desperately needing to be addressed. This
is a continual process in my sewing space.
Winter has arrived with lows in the 20s this morning. One business, a quilt shop in Llano, has
already sent out emails saying they would close Thursday due to the possibility
of bad road conditions. We got our
grocery shopping run done today, so we should be set no matter what. Fortunately, nothing is predicted to happen
tomorrow that would keep my Tuesday quilting group from meeting. It feels like forever since we have been able to gather. Christmas and New Year's falling in the middle of the week certainly messed with our schedule.
I don't always choose a focus word for the year, but this year "intentional" keeps crossing my mind. I would certainly accomplish much more if I were better about being intentional in how I spend my time.