Our cold temperatures plus wind chills were severe enough that
I wimped out of going to Guild on Wednesday and, instead, spent the day in
sweats sewing. I was feeling guilty
until I found out two of my close friends did exactly the same thing. I guess it’s okay to play the little old lady
card once in a while.
Consequently, my clamshell project is almost in “bound-labeled-done” status. A label must still be attached and then there are those pesky threads to bury.
I also cut border strips for my red and white tumbler quilt. That’s my next big hand-work push.
The weather here is definitely improving and it’s good to
see some sunshine again. No sewing with
friends on Tuesday because hubby has an all-day medical procedure in Austin. My local applique group meets Thursday
afternoon and I’m looking forward to that.
Oh, and the local armadillo is still roaming the neighborhood. The Animal Control Officer, who lives across the street from us, told me they are a protected species. They had dug (and re-dug) such a big hole underneath the pad our AC unit sits on that I had to cover it with heavy mesh and weigh it down with big rocks. Now they’ve relocated to the front flowerbed. I've named him Arny.