The handwork on the Jill Finley block from our last quilt
club workshop is complete and ready to stow away until May when Sue Garman will
lead a workshop on fitting pieced borders around a medallion center. I understand she will start by setting a 12”
block of our choice on point and go from there, and this
block just happens to finish at 12". Wasn't that good planning on the part of our Program Chairman.
I had stepped outside this morning and spotted this beautiful American White Pelican at the pond near
our house. Egrets and herons are
regulars here along with the occasional osprey. This is first pelican I've seen and he kindly
stayed long enough for me to dash back in the house and grab my camera. When I first glimpsed him, he was at the water's edge with his wings outspread looking truly magnificent. You can't tell from this isolated shot, but this guy (or gal) is really huge! A Master Naturalist friend tells me they will be migrating out of our area in the near future.