Today I woke up to icy conditions. Even at the warmest point of the day, our
rain chain was still iced up. That’s a
fairly unusual circumstance for those of us in Central Texas, and by any
standards, we've had a very easy winter so far.
Quite frankly, we just don’t do winter well here. All the schools shut down, the church office
and all its activities were cancelled.
Even my doctor sent a text that she wasn't holding clinic today. Since there wasn't anywhere I absolutely had to be, I gratefully took all this as a sign that I could stay home and catch up
on some long delayed chores.
One of those was to sandwich and pin baste this quilt. Done!
I also realized that I had never posted a picture of this
block that came out of the workshop with Gyleen Fitzgerald last week. I decided to depart from her recommended
instructions and will be hand appliqueing the circle to the background, rather
than attaching it with a seam. Once the
handwork is done, I’ll consider what borders I want to add. It was a fun workshop, but I've decided to
make this one a wall hanging. I can see
I need to do a little more work rounding out the circle.
My work has continued on the blocks I began for Texas
Tumbleweed, the project begun week before last in San Antonio. The pattern calls for 36 of the ladder blocks
and 36 star blocks. I’m really enjoying
the process on this one.
So, I now have projects prepped for machine quilting,
machine piecing and handwork. I should
be good to go for a while.

Well, ice for you....and it turned to snow for us today. We did the sleet/ice thing last week. It just takes forever to melt and causes tons of headaches. Glad you can stay in and work on projects. I am liking that tumble weed project a lot.
Ugh - ice. Hope it melts soon for you.
And of course, being housebound is a perfect excuse to get caught up ... although the only chores that I'd be catching up on might be quilty-type chores! ha!
I like what I see of the Texas Tumbleweed so far ... can't wait to see more.
For us too...snow this time...I mean, we live in the South...crazy weather.
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