Saturday, December 19, 2020

Moving Along

My red and white project is finally quilted and ready for a trim and binding.  Yea! 

 Also, I’m closing in on completing the hand applique for this unit of my block of the month.  

Three of four borders are done.  There have been many days you could find me at the kitchen table working on this while listening to audio books.  My most recent “listen” was Eleanor by David Michaelis.  It was a fascinating look into the life of Eleanor Roosevelt.  I’m learning that she was a very complex, and not very happy person who totally gave herself for others.  I hope the next unit in this BOM has more machine piecing and less handwork.


Hubby gave me an early Christmas gift this week, a Roomba!  I’ve always been fascinated by these things, but it was not until our daughter got one that he showed any interest.  I love what it does, but I think he has had the most fun mapping and programming it.  It’s first pass through our house took eight hours.  Hopefully, future runs will be quicker now that it has learned its way around.

The red oak in our front yard put on a good show this year.

And here are my studio supervisors enjoying a sunny spot.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love your quilt! I have thought of getting a Roomba and have not done so - let me know if you think it is worth it to get one.

Debbie said...

The red one is so beautiful....we love it! Can't not want a red one. Don't know if anyone here could get that roomba Glad to hear from you.

Frog Quilter said...

A beautiful red and white quilt. Keep going on the other, it’ll be done before you know it. Hugs.

O'Quilts said...

Your red quilt is wonderful...Nice post xo

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love that red and white quilt! Such a wonderful assortment of fabric.

8 hours with that little thing zipping around? I don't think I could handle that. I have heard of people programming them to just do one room a day too.

Linda said...

Your red and white project is beautiful. I bet you really enjoyed working on it. The BOM is so striking. Enjoy your Roomba.
We had a knock-off Roomba for a week, and my husband enjoyed it much more than I did. It developed issues so we sent it back.
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Your red and white is absolutely beautiful!!! I still want to make the second quilt that you are doing - love the pattern. Forgot the name, but can always look back on your posts! Have a Merry Christmas! Hugs