Monday, February 1, 2021

Not Sure Where the Week Went

I’m rather disappointed by how much time I didn’t spend in my sewing room last week.  It got off to a good start with being able to quickly die cut more than 500 1 ½ and 2 ½ inch squares for Unit 5 of Esther’s Bloomers.  Then the week seemed to dissolve into interruptions and distractions.  I don’t understand how that can happen when we’re pretty much homebound due to the pandemic. 


Here is the stitching I managed to complete.  There are several more steps in this unit including flying geese.  At least this unit does not have applique.

I also managed to complete five anti-ouch pouches for the January drop off and have five more in the works.

Live -- My 2021 Word

God invented love, and it is therefore perfect, and dogs are better at celebrating this perfection than we are. When in doubt as to how we should feel, we could do far worse than trying to live life like the dogs. -- W. Bruce Cameron




Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one would think the weeks would drag by being home so much but they are flying to me and I am getting out one morning a week to grocery shop - the occasional doctor appointment and meeting dear daughter once a week to walk if the weather is nice! where is the time going?

Debbie said...

At least you have a plan and a few blocks/strips to show. We are just quilters who have lost their way. Locking us up inside does that:)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Looking good! I totally understand how you lost your stitching time! Been there done that! But so far this year things are getting back on track! Hugs - are you ready for that cold cold weather? I am (but you know I am not a normal South Texan)! LOL