Monday, May 27, 2024

Two Steps Forward, and Then I Rip


Here are the first 21 bowtie blocks in the sew-along I’m following with Fig Tree and Company.  I am on schedule with the first week’s assignments and will start on the next 20 tomorrow when I join my friends for Tuesday sewing.  I’m enjoying the change of pace and looking forward to having this new snuggle quilt for my tv/sewing chair.

Also under the needle is this patriotic piece from a long-ago workshop.  The applique has been ditch-stitched and I am beginning a small meander as a filler.  Unfortunately, I’ve run into some bobbin tension issues, and am having to do some ripping.  The good news:  the tension issues make the ripping easier.

Our weather station recorded 100 degrees today with a feels-like temperature of 115 degrees.  Air quality is poor, so it has been an especially good day to stay indoors and sew (and rip).  We have a chance for storms tonight.  Rain would be welcome, I just hope it doesn't come with anything dangerous.  Except for needing a new roof due to hail earlier this spring, we've been very fortunate so far.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry your roof needs fixing. My sister has the insurance company checking out her roof as soon as they can make it out - NW AR
sounds too hot outside I agree stay inside and sew and read

Linda said...

The bowties are really cute, and that flag is really pretty. Ugh on the temperature! We had 95 the last couple days, but it is definitely cooler this morning, with thunderstorms already. Hope you get some rain without anything severe. Crazy weather!