Sunday, July 21, 2024

Another Finish

The binding is finished and my vintage bowtie quilt is bound-labeled-done.  This was done as a part of a Fig Tree & Company sew along using fabrics from their Jelly and Jam Collection.  I wanted a light weight summery quilt for my easy chair and chose the thinnest batting I could find by Quilter’s Dream.


My Hibiscus was not doing well and I’ve moved it to a bigger pot and a sunnier spot.  I discovered the buds and undersides of leaves were covered with tiny white bugs.  A Master Gardener friend suggested that I drench the foliage with water.  That has helped and I am now seeing more buds.  Unfortunately, the bugs keep reappearing and I have to repeat the process daily.

In other news... 

The time I spent with my daughter last weekend was wonderful, followed by a call Monday morning telling me she had tested positive for Covid.  In the past week I have tested three times, all with negative results.  I’ll be checking with my doctor Monday to see if I can resume normal activities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Non-Quilty Finish

My Tuesday quilting group did a road trip recently and I brought home this pattern.  The apron is reversible and made with quilter’s cotton.  The hardest part for me was making and placing the pockets.  I think I tried four different methods before I found one I liked.  I ended up making a template and turning the rounded edges using starch and an iron, similar to the way I do prepared-edge applique.  The pockets are made with two coordinating fabric layers, and I found it helpful to stitch the two layers together before prepping the edges.  The next hardest part was attaching the yoke.  Pins didn’t work well for me and I ended up using applique glue to hold the seam ends together while I stitched. 


Hopefully future aprons will go together quicker.  I am considering making more for the Guild boutique and as gifts. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024


After much frustration and lost time, my vintage bow tie quilt is quilted, trimmed and in the process of being bound.  The machine difficulties that plagued me stemmed from a number of sources.  The thread I used was linty and resulted in the bobbin case clogging up quickly, especially behind the spring in the bobbin case.  (Thank you, Wanda, for that hint.)  Finally, after many broken bobbin threads and numerous recleaning stops, I figured out that the bobbin spring was not correctly seated in the case, allowing lint to get behind it.  After I discovered that issue, progress proceeded much more smoothly. 

I got caught up in some household projects this week while hubby is out of town.  So, there was little energy left to finish up the binding and create blog posts.

Julia came to visit this weekend and we had a great time shopping the town.  Also, we took time to visit the Beloved Art Gallery featuring the early works of Akiane including her most famous piece, Prince of Peace.