Sunday, August 25, 2024

Although I did some cutting, a little sewing and a lot of pondering, I have very little progress to show for the two last two weeks.


A friend gave me some fabric for aprons, and I did complete one.


In other news…


I’ve acquired new foot apparel.  Seems the gimpy foot I’ve had for a month was caused by a stress fracture.  How that came about is unknown.  


My daughter loaned me this puzzle.  It has become a major distraction.


A porcupine was captured at our church.  I’ve lived most of my life in Texas, and it has only been in recent years that I’ve been aware that we have porcupines.  How did this little fellow make it to our church in the middle of the city?


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

OH NO - you too - they have me in a full boot though not the shoe like thing you have - I wonder if I could use that instead - I will need to check - hope it is one bone not two like mine and that it will repair itself soon - did you know of an injury that caused it or clueless like me?

Linda said...

Oh my goodness! Are you in pain? I hope your time in the boot goes quickly. I bet that porcupine was hard to capture, poor little guy.