Monday, January 4, 2021

It's Cutting Up Time Again

Cutting is definitely my least favorite part of making a quilt.  This is especially true when cutting from a purchased kit where minor miss-cuts can result in major problems.  I spent a few hours this weekend, cutting Unit 4 our Esther’s Bloomers.  I had one minor miss-cut, but was able to salvage it by using remnants from Units 1-3.  I probably don’t need to worry too much about getting replacement fabric, because I know the shop owner held some back for just such situations.

In other news, I discovered this thread cone over the weekend.  I think I'll blame it on our grand puppy which visited briefly last week.  Certainly, my dogs would never do something like that...yeah, right.

I noticed that a number of bloggers I follow are choosing their word for 2021.  Mine is “live”.  

Frequently during 2020 I felt like my life was on hold.  I was waiting for the pandemic to end, the vaccine to arrive, the election to come to a grinding halt and mostly for restrictions to lift.  All of these were things totally out of my control and I had to keep reminding myself not to let them pull me into a morass of self-pity.  So, in 2021 I want to focus on how to live fully on whatever terms life presents itself.

One blogger I know, ends her posts with some quotation pertaining to her word of the year.  So, to follow her example, I’ll start with:


Live and let live.




Debbie said...

Great word and so true about our lives last year. I agree cutting is not always the favorite thing. But it is good to start a fresh one for the new year.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Mine is be Happy and catch up on my UFOs. Hugs PS. I love your red quilt!