Monday, January 11, 2021

Snow Day, Sew Day

The components for Unit 4 of Esther’s Blooms are coming along.  This section does not require any applique and my aching thumb is very appreciative.  I’ve never been a big fan on pinwheel blocks, but I do like the ones with the borders.


Bob and I have tried very hard to lower our exposure to Covid and so far, we have been fortunate.  So, Friday was a real awakening.  Our air bed has reached the point where it is in serious need of repair or replacement.  We made a run into Georgetown Friday to learn about our options.  I think we managed well.  We distanced, hand sanitized, everyone was masked, and there were only five of us in the store including employees.  What amazed me was the amount of traffic and the crowded parking lots for shopping and restaurants we passed on the way there.  I guess living in a small city with a high percentage of retirees has pretty much kept me out of the loop on pandemic life in bigger cities with younger populations.


Sunday was a rare treat.  It ended up being a fuzzy sock, stretchy sweat suit, watch it snow kind of day.  Snow is a novelty in our part of the world, especially when it occurs on a weekend when business and school traffic is minimal.  The temperatures never dipped below 34 degrees.  So of course, it disappeared quickly, but was quite pretty for the three hours it fell. 


I was at my sewing machine looking out at the front yard while it happened. Bob was not quite as happy about it, though.  It interfered with satellite reception for the football games. 


I absolutely love my Roomba, especially now that we can program specific areas rather than doing the entire house at a time.  I then decided it was time to upgrade my mop as well.


Even the self-wringing models you can find at the grocery store are hard for me to operate and their heads are smaller than I like.  I decided to order one of these spinning mops.  I was impressed during its maiden voyage Saturday.  The mopping motion has a different feel than a standard mop and requires some getting used to; but it did a good job.  Of course, after Sunday’s rain and snow event, I need to do it all over again (I love my dogs).


Live -- My 2021 Word
Get busy living or get busy dying. -- Andy Dufrensne,  The Shawshank Redemption


Debbie said...

I love pinwheel blocks...when joined. They are plain when sitting alone, but they go well with lots of things. The snow is nice as long as it doesn't stay too long. The front missed us so we only got rain.
Glad you have avoided Covid. Our area is ranked very high right now, and I have only been out to the doctor on Friday. And the traffic and such is normal. People are not being very careful so this thing will drag on for a while longer I think.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

our area is very high for covid too and we only go to the grocery store early and to doctor appointments - hubby has been to the home repair store Lowe's (we do not have Home Depot - same type of place) the store parking lots are always busy it seems - I think a lot just figure they will take their chances and wear a mask and wash up - I hope all the exposure though keeps them safe. Snow must have been pretty - it went south of us and we didn't even get a flurry. We did get a Roomba for Christmas and Mike has taken over the vacuuming - he would never touch it before but with a robot he is in 7th heaven playing with it - mapping rooms etc.

Frog Quilter said...

Love your pin wheels. Great colors. I’m all for anything that makes cleaning easier lol. More sewing time.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Your Bloom quilt is going to be a beauty! We did not get the snow, but it is cold today! I am delaying my walk, but had better get out there the sun is going away! Brrrr. But no complaining - it could still be 100! Stay warm and wish we had had some snow, it was 3 years ago that we had a dusting! but we are further South than you.

There are a lot of people out there shopping. We also have stayed out of the way of people. We did stop on the way home from SA yesterday and had some Mexican food at an excellent restaurant close to 1604 on Hwy 87. They have added to the original because they are so popular. This was the first time we could get in without a crowd.

Hoping that we did not pick, up any germs as this was the first outing in over a year! Hugs (well other than the lovely happenings throughout 2020 at Doctors and Hospitals.). Stay warm and healthy!