Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Hexagon Medallion Quilt Top

The hexagon medallion project that has served as my therapy through a challenging spring and tortuous summer is now a complete top.  I have finished appliqueing the center to the background.  Since this picture was taken, I have sandwiched it and taken the first few machine quilting stitches.

I was in need of some instant gratification and also wanted to give a friend a thankyou gift.  These potholders were the result.  My potholders are made of the humblest of scraps with recycled terrycloth towels used for batting. They are meant to be used and abused, so I don’t bother to add hanging tabs.  I expect them to be shoved into a drawer until needed, scorched on the grill, and perhaps, covered in spaghetti sauce stains.  My only criteria for this pair is that they be made with fabrics that struck me as happy.

We have had a series of showers over the last week for a total of nearly 3/4 inch.  Temperatures have dropped below triple digits and you can see the relief in people’s faces.   Our lakes are low and we could certainly use some more, but we are ever so grateful.


Acceptance -- My 2022 Word


Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it. –David Rico



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looking great! the rain is welcome for sure and cooler temps here too - it feels good to be at 82-90 now compared to 92-100!!
The hexies look great

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm glad you got some of that rain in TX.
I made lots of potholders in my teens and I always used terrycloth towels for the padding. It is what we had and my mother loved the potholders.