Monday, June 17, 2024

Not a Routine Day

The bow tie blocks have been sewn into a top and I hope to add the borders this week.  I thought I had everything I needed to complete the quilt, but discovered I need batting and fabric for the binding.  Both are on order.  The extra long ruler hanging next to it on the design wall helps me lay the blocks out straight.


In other news, the shingles for our new roof arrived this afternoon.  We haven’t been told when they will actually begin work, but when they do, they will start early in order to avoid the worst of the heat.  They said the thought they could complete the work in one day.  I hope they’re right.  I’ve been through roof work before, and the noise can be maddening.  The dogs will have to stay indoors and I expect they won’t like the noise either.


In the process of delivering the shingles, the trailer hit a water meter across the street.  Fortunately, the city was able to get it fixed and the water was turned back on before I had to cook dinner.


My hibiscus put on another bloom.


Linda said...

Lots of excitement at your house! Hope they get done with the roof quickly. Isn't your area maybe up for some rain with the "tropical blob" out in the Gulf?
Why have I never thought to hang a ruler on my design wall? I always get my blocks or flimsy hung crooked. Thanks for the idea! :)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It's not much fun on re-roofing day. MY last one was 2019 so I'm hoping no hail this year.
Your pretty Hibiscus can probably stay in the ground all the time where we have to dig them up and take them inside in the winter. Most people around here have them in pots.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

they will need to star roof work very early won't they which means no sleeping late for you. Hope it is all done in one day. A hibiscus doesn't stay in the ground in the winter here either you have to move them to a pot but then I am in the northern half of Arkansas