It was never my intention to abandon my blog for many
months, nor do I intend to give it up. It
has been a helpful diary of my projects, and a bridge connecting me to others
who love to quilt. My silence also does not mean I have stopped quilting. For whatever reason, I just have had neither
the discipline nor energy to hit the keyboard.
Since my last post, I completed this flimsy made up of leftovers from an
earlier red and neutral project. I like
my leftover quilt better than its predecessor.
Leftovers Quilt Top |
Early this year I made up my mind to touch every quilting
book I own and decide which would be donated to the Bits and Pieces booth at
our guild quilt show. We were most
fortunate that our show fell in the first half of February before we knew what
the Corona Virus meant and lockdowns were put in place. Since then, of course, all regular guild
activities have come to a halt, except for email and text chains that help me
stay sane.
Donated Books |
Also saving my life right now is Ollie, who has a lot of
puppy left in him and who definitely claims me as his human. Walks are helping too, as are audio books and
mindless facemask and anti-ouch pouch stitching. Anything that calms me down and makes me feel
productive is good.
Faithful Stitching Pal |
Speaking of anti-ouch pouches (for breast surgery patients),
I don’t have the opportunity to pick up kits at guild meetings. So, one of my goals during quarantine is to
touch every piece of yardage in my stash and decide what I will donate to that
cause, then cut and sew it. As a result,
I already have a respectable stack of fabric laundered, pressed and ready to
cut. But my storage shelves are a hot mess.
A neighbor works with stained glass and gave me this lovely
suncatcher. I love butterflies.
Suncatcher |
And a scene from that same neighbor’s wildflower bed.
Patricia's Garden |